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Buckden Methodist church has been supporting Buckden and surrounding villages for 146 years.

Carol Swepstone reflects back on its achievements with an Open Day held on Sunday 10 July 2022.


Buckden Methodist Chapel was opened in July 1876 and the schoolroom was added in 1911. On Sunday 10th July we had an open afternoon with an exhibition of memorabilia including items related to Royalty as this year is the Queen’s Platinum - 70 years of being our Monarch.
There were also displays of Sunday School items as follows-:
Stamp Albums as each week you attended Sunday School you were given a stamp to put in your album the stamp had a Bible reference on it accompanying the picture.
Book Prizes from the Sunday School Anniversary with name and number of marks inside. The anniversary was held in May.
Leaflets given out to children at Sunday School related to their weekly lesson.
Copies of Services from the past.
Operation Christmas Child display – shoeboxes, as Buckden Methodist Church is a Church Collection Centre.



Do you remember sitting in little wooden circular chairs, singing songs listening to stories and doing an activity in the schoolroom?
Sunday School outings to Hunstanton or Wicksteed Park.
Christmas Parties and hearing bells and Father Christmas came in with his sack of presents.
Sunday School Anniversary was a special day. We had new sandals or shoes dress and cardigan. We sat in chairs on a stage brought in for the anniversary. We learnt recitations, posh word for poems. They were usually about nature.
We met up for rallies with the Hunts Mission Circuit as it was known then. We walked around the streets in the area with banners and singing. After this we would go to the local Methodist Church for tea. We also had the Festival of Arts and Craft.  We also designed posters.


Onward Christian Soldiers, 

Father, lead me day by day

Stand up, Stand up for Jesus

Jesus Friend of Little Children

Children of Jerusalem

Jesus wants me for a sunbeam

Praise him, Praise him

Jesus loves me this I know

Jesus bids us shine

Standing in the Market place at

Willersley Castle in Derbyshire for a Youth weekend with the Hunts Mission Circuit, one year the theme was “All God’s Children” and the next year was “Banner Man”. We had activities, discussions songs prayer times and social times and free time to explore Cromford and Matlock.

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