Buckden Local History Society
43rd Annual General Meeting
5 June 2024
Item 1. Apologies for Absence
- Apologies were received from Angie Bruce, Chris Wright, Francis Farmer, John and Wendy Thelwall.
Item 2. Minutes of the Previous Meeting
- The Minutes of the previous meeting were accepted unanimously.
Item 3. Matters Arising
- The Committee would continue to look for a lectern that could be stored in the Village Hall.
- A raffle was to be held as a way of increasing funds with the prizes drawn after the AGM.
Item 4. Chairman’s Report
- The Chairman thanked members for their support over the year and said membership numbers were very encouraging.
Item 5. Secretary’s Report
- The Secretary hoped everyone was pleased with the talks last year, using local speakers where possible.
- A new programme for 2024/25 had been completed and would be available ASAP from the library. A copy could be downloaded from the BLHS website when the new programme is loaded.
Item 6. Treasurer’s Report
- The Treasurer, Eric Nash, had been in hospital with a serious illness. According to Eric’s interim statement issued on 23 April, the period 6 September 2023 - 3 April 2024, the Society made a surplus of £136.40.
Item 7. Election of Committee Members
- On the balance of probabilities it was assumed that Eric would not be continuing as Treasurer. Nicky Gibbs volunteered to be the new Treasurer, pending a decision on Eric. There were no other changes to the committee.
- It was unanimously agreed that the committee would be composed as follows :
- Chairman/Secretary - Richard Storey, Deputy Chairman - Barry Jobling, Interim Treasurer - Nicky Gibbs, Members - Les Button, Clive Thompson.
- Secretary’s Note. Following the meeting it was confirmed that Eric was retiring as Treasurer on health grounds and that Nicky was the new Treasurer.
Item 8. Summer Visit
- Nicky outlined the plan for visiting the Manor House, Hemingford Grey on 3 July.
Item 9. Any other Business
- There was no other business.
Richard Storey
12 August 2024
Income and Expenditure Account for the year ended 31 July 2024.