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The Huntingdonshire Local History Society (HLHS) established the Goodliff Awards scheme in 1996 thanks to a very generous bequest from Phyllis Goodliff (1897-1993), a founder member of the Society. In 2020 it was supplemented with the bulk of the balances of the former Huntingdonshire Family History Society, on that Society’s dissolution, specifically to support family history and other genealogical projects.
The objective of the Goodliff Award Scheme is to provide financial support to individuals, groups or institutions undertaking projects that promote local history in Huntingdonshire or make the ancient county’s history more widely known. Since 1996 the HLHS has provided support to over 200 activities and publications including projects in schools, the acquisition, preservation and display of artefacts and records, documentary research and the publication of history both in print and online.
Right, Phyllis Goodliff (1897 - 1993)
Following the success of the Lucks Lane archaeological excavations and the discovery of the nationally important Anglo-Saxon site, Buckden Local History Society applied for, and was awarded, £1,200 from the Goodliff Award scheme. The money will fund our research and prepare posters and leaflets for a permanent exhibition in the village, sometime in early 2022.
On Wednesday 10th November 2021 Barry and Richard attended the Goodliff Award ceremony at Huntingdon Town Hall. The President of the Huntingdon History Society, David Cozens, gave a short presentation on Phyllis Goodliff, whose generous bequest to the Society made the awards possible, followed by the presentation of certificates.
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